
Theme 1: Pedagogical strategies and interventions

  • Innovative use of ICT for content development and classroom use
  • Adaptive and personalized approaches
  • Assessment and evaluation models for technology-enhanced learning
  • Impact of social networks on learning
  • Pedagogies for TEL environments, online and blended learning
  • Technology-supported learning of disciplinary knowledge
  • Teacher professional development

Theme 2: Access, Scale and Sustainability

  • Bridging the urban-rural gap in education
  • e-learning in vernacular languages
  • Open educational resources
  • Massively open online courses
  • Socioeconomic factors in technology enhanced learning
  • Quality and standards in technology enhanced learning
  • Scaling initiatives in education
  • Research-practice partnerships for educational initiatives
  • Policy issues on technology in education

Theme 3: Technological Interventions in Modern Era
Infrastructure And Computation

Data Mining, Data Fusion, IoT programming toolkits and frameworks, green communication systems, and network IoT prototypes and evaluation test beds, Spatial and temporal reasoning for IoT, Ubiquitous computing, Routing and Control Protocols, Broadband wireless access, Mobile backhaul for small cells

Engineering Applications

Collaboration Technologies and Systems, Natural Language Processing, Environmental Computing, Agricultural Engineering for ICT Applications, ICT Applications for Electrical and Intelligent Engineering, Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology, Numerical & Symbolic Computation, Mechanical Drawing & Computer Graphics, Gender Issues, Geo-Information, GIS, Green Computing

Electronic Systems & Circuits

Communication Systems & Signal Processing, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution: Renewable Energy Sources, Smart-grids Technologies & Applications, High Voltage Engineering and Insulation Technology, Controls Power Engineering and Power Systems, Power Electronics, Systems and Applications, Electrical Machines and Adjustable Speed Drives, Circuits and Systems, Computers and Information Technology

Security and Privacy

Mobile and wireless security, Biometric systems, Intrusion Detection, Blockchain, Cryptography, Digital Forensics, Denial of service, protection, Information hiding, Monitoring and surveillance, Security, Privacy and Trust by Design, Human- Computer Interaction Robotics, Information Technology for People with Special Needs, Nano Technology Software Tools

Theme 4: Interactive Innovation and research Computing

Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, Fog/Edge Computing, High-Performance Computing (HPC), Parallel Computing, Distributed Computing, Human-centric computing

Ambient Intelligence

Augmented Reality, Smart Grids, Smart Cities, Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Assistive Technologies, Wearable Computing Systems, Intelligent Transportation, Context-aware pervasive systems, EEG based affective computations.

Data Science

Big Data, Computational Intelligence, Statistical Analysis, Decision Trees, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic, Semantic Web, Large-scale visualization, Clustering and classification, Ubiquitous Computing, Bioinformatics and Bio-Inspired Computing, Supercomputing architectures


5G and onwards to 6G: design, analysis, and optimization, Sensor networks and embedded systems, Geographic information systems, Cloud Networking, Signal processing, Virtualization, Machine to Machine (M2M), Cognitive Radio, Body Area Networks, Satellite and Optical Communication